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Transform your AML using our single-platform solution

In partnership with AML supervisors and professional bodies

Achieve compliance effectively and efficiently


Stay 100% Compliant

Every process you need to meet all your legal obligations. At your fingertips.


Prove it instantly

PDF download. Complete audit trail. Remote supervisor access. Share your AML documents with your supervisor 
in seconds.


Enjoy peace of mind

Rest easy knowing your
business is protected

Tim Pinkney

“The AML market is a bit like the Wild West. I’ve come across many platforms and software businesses that claim to be complete AML solutions. But AMLCC is one of the few I’ve seen which actually covers all the aspects of AML and can help a business achieve better compliance.”

Tim Pinkney
Director of Professional Standards, Institute of Financial Accountants
UK AML Supervisor, Member of the Institute of Public Accountants Group

10,000s of AML
inspection passes
enabled so far

Improve efficiency by managing your risk


Take control

The central dashboard shows exactly where your business is at with its AML, minute by minute.


Balance workload

Know instantly where to allocate resources to suit your AML needs.


Ask the right questions

Targeted risk assessments for every organisation type make it easy to spot red flags.

John Young

“There’s been many instances of property businesses being fined for being non-compliant. But we showed HMRC the work we’d done on AMLCC and they were satisfied that we were taking our AML obligations seriously, which was such a relief.”

John Young
CFO, I&H Brown & Breckenridge Lettings

Over 50,000 regulated professionals have passed
our AML training

Educate your teams


Build the correct
knowledge base

Knowledge is power. Boost your employees’ ability to spot suspicious activity.


Minimise your
training budget

All training videos are online and included in the AMLCC annual subscription.



Site-wide guidance builds on knowledge and helps employees make the right decisions. Additional training on important topics including cyber-crime and crypto.

“We’ve used AMLCC for a number of years now and I can honestly say that it makes AML painless. Not only does it have the online ID checking service and Sanctions and PEP monitoring…it has everything else we need too.”

Hayley Howard
Partner, H & B Accountancy Services

Many 100,000s of
compliant risk assessments
completed in AMLCC

All-in-one compliance. All under control. Total peace of mind.

How do we compare?

thirdfort logosmartsearch logokyc 360
Supervisor endorsed
Law Society partner
All AML training in subscription
Business-wide risk assessment
100% customisable, detailed AML policy
Client risk assessments
Link clients for transactions
SAR portal to match NCA’s
ID verification checks
Continuous PEP and sanctions monitoring
Live risk dashboard
Audit trail
Remote supervisor access
Document management
ICAEW technology accreditation
Specific sector risks training
Specific MLRO training

Everything in one place

Id Verification
Let’s get started

Stay secure with separate logins for your firm, MLRO, employees…

training icon
Get educated

Learn what you need to do, when you need to do it and how it protects you.

Client Risk Assessments icon
Document your business’ risk

Build bespoke business risk assessments by considering
the risks your business faces.

Supervisor-ready Reports icon
Generate AML reports & documents

All your efforts result in supervisor-ready reports.

Live dashboard icon
Live online AML environment

Manage live risks from the central dashboard.

Internal SAR portal icon
The most important part

If there’s suspicion of money laundering, your team can report it.

Client Linking icon
Link clients together

Get a complete risk picture 
by linking clients and create your supervisor ready report.

Business Risk Assessment icon
Client due diligence

Risk assess every client for an accurate view of threats.

“One-to-one help getting started”

Richard Simms

Richard Simms
Managing Director, AMLCC

tickExpert consultancy to personalise your platform
tickOur consultants are the owners and creators of AMLCC
tickWe can onboard and digitally check your clients for you
tickHelpline manned by AML experts and platform creators.
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