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Business Risk Assessments

An accurate picture of your business’ risk

Prove that your business is AML compliant with a business-wide risk assessment that’s completely tailored to your unique circumstances. AMLCC efficiently guides you through the steps to build this assessment.

Answer a comprehensive set of questions about your business to build a bespoke business-wide risk assessment that’s AML compliant.
Specify a risk level for each risk considered (high risk, risk mitigated or low risk) and add comments or documents to support your assessment.
Give your supervisor or law enforcement read-only access to AMLCC to share every time- and date-stamped version of your business-wide risk assessment. Or download them as PDFs.

Assess client risks alongside business risks

As client risks change, you need to update your business risk assessments and policies, controls and procedures to match. AMLCC’s risk assessments all interlink, so you can see live client risks reflected in each relevant business risk assessment question.

Get instant visibility of the clients which present each risk.
Use only immediate, live information when updating your business risk assessments and AML policies, controls and procedures.
Ensure the resources of your business are allocated appropriately to address risks presented by clients.
Use guidance and suggested mitigation steps to reduce the risk level where appropriate.

Update your business risk assessments quickly and efficiently

Your online business risk assessments can be quickly and easily updated whenever required. This may be annually, or as your business grows and its risks develop, or when something changes. Use the previous version as a base to amend as risks develop.

Deal with developing risks without recreating the entire document every time you need to make a change.
Add or change comments or documents to any question at any time to prove your knowledge and understanding of the risk involved and your management of it.
The detailed audit trail logs every change and who makes it.
All risk assessments generated are time and date stamped with a downloadable PDF version stored in date order.
Easily access the latest version of your business risk assessments to show your supervisor or law enforcement at any time.

Adopt the risk based approach

AMLCC’s business risk assessments are broken down into risk categories, so you can understand where your higher risks are and know where to focus your resources.

Identify the areas or products most likely to be used to launder money.
Follow guidance and suggested mitigation steps that help you show your understanding and management of the risk or potential risk.
Use guidance and suggested mitigation steps to reduce the risk level where appropriate.

Drill down into the details

Evaluate the risks faced by separate departments, branches and service lines in your business using secondary business risk assessments. Focus in more detail on your business’ risk across different areas to further identify any risk from criminal activities.

Understand the unique risk profile of each regulated part of your business.
Apply your resources in the most efficient way using knowledge gained about the higher risk parts of your business.
Understand where the higher risks are with guidance and mitigation steps, so you can reduce the risk level to ‘risk mitigated’ if appropriate.
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Internal SAR Portal

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Live Dashboard

Id Verification

ID Verification

Id Verification

PEP and Sanctions Checks

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Document Management

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Client Linking

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Supervisor-ready Reports

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Reusable Client Profiles

Client Risk Assessments icon

Client Risk Assessments

AML Policy

AML Policy

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