Step-by-step guide
Watch the video for an overview of AMLCC
You’ll learn how, in just a few steps, AMLCC can help you fulfil all your AML obligations.
Watch the video for an overview of AMLCC
You’ll learn how, in just a few steps, AMLCC can help you fulfil all your AML obligations.
To get the right quote to you, we need a few details about your business
To get the right quote to you, we need a few details about your business
AMLCC has a number of package levels dependent on the number of staff users (including senior management) you will need in addition to your MLRO. All relevant staff and agents with any client exposure whatsoever, either by working on client documents or meeting / speaking to a client (such as your receptionist), should have their own AMLCC access to complete the relevant AML training videos and tests.