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Product features

One solution to meet every AML challenge

Stay compliant, manage risk and educate your whole business using each of AMLCC’s features. Features inter-connect with each other to give you a full picture of your business’ risk and make it easier to manage your AML.

AML training

It’s your business’ legal duty to educate all your employees, including senior management, in anti-money laundering — and to keep this education up to date…

Business Risk Assessment
Business Risk Assessments*

Asking the right questions about the risks your business might face is an essential responsibility. AMLCC’s business risk assessments help you to identify, assess and mitigate the risks faced by your business as a whole and by specific departments, branches or service lines…

how amlcc works
Experience the future of AML compliance

Our platform is endorsed by supervisors and partnered with leading professional bodies, to bring you compliance, risk management and education tools that will redefine how you manage your AML.

AML Policy
AML Policy*

Every regulated business must have its own written AML policy, controls and procedures, tailored to its unique situation. You can meet this challenge with AMLCC’s draft policy, which is completely customisable to your business…

Client Risk Assessments
Client Risk Assessments*

Protect yourself from risk by making an informed decision about who you work with. AMLCC’s client risk assessments ask questions and generate a risk status for every client, without the need to decide yourself…

Document Management
Document Management

Produce a complete copy of a client’s AML files instantly. AMLCC autosaves all policies, risk assessments, training records & checks done through the system, plus documents you upload…

Internal SAR Portal
Internal SAR Portal

AML regulations mainly exist for one reason: so that businesses which gate-keep the UK economy can report criminal activity to the NCA when they know or suspect it’s happening. AMLCC’s Internal SAR Portal mirrors the NCA’s so that you can make a detailed, beneficial report when the time comes…

Client Linking
Client Linking

Get full oversight by linking clients of any type, for any reason, and their relevant transactions. Consider all the risks of all parties involved in a transaction and make sure you’ve completed your
due diligence on each client involved….

Live Dashboard
Live Dashboard

Manage your business’ entire AML landscape on a single screen. View a live summary of your client risks, due diligence progress, training records, expiring AML documents, and other essential AML stats. It’s everything you need to keep informed and stay on top of your AML work…

Supervisor-ready Reports
Supervisor-ready Reports

Easily keep up to date with all your business’ AML obligations and be supervisor-ready at all times. AMLCC can produce all the necessary reports in seconds to give your supervisor a complete picture of your AML work, removing the stress of an inspection…

You can complete all your legal AML obligations without these add-ons.

Id Verification
ID Verification*

ID checks will include the ability to confirm and upload manual checks, use your own digital provider and add, as well as the optional payments…

Reusable Client Profiles
Reusable Client Profiles

Compliance depends on having a complete client due diligence process. One part of that is risk assessing all your clients. Speed up this process with model client risk assessments. Complete with draft answers that reflect the anticipated risks for each client type…

Id Verification
PEP and Sanctions Checks*

Checking your client’s and beneficial owner’s names to decide if they’re safe to do business with is an essential part of your CDD. It takes seconds to do this using the AMLCC platform…

Meet every legal AML obligation with one annual subscription.

Manage your AML and your budget with transparent pricing. Any add-ons we offer are simply to save you more time completing your AML – you don’t need them to fulfil your legal obligations.

AMLCC grows as your client-base does, without paying a penny more. Upload an infinite number of entities for the price of your annual subscription.

*You can subscribe to these features separately, to enhance your current AML setup and ensure you’re fully compliant.