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Client Linking

Connect the dots for a transaction.

View the risk presented by all the clients involved in a transaction in a single report, so that you can mitigate any higher risks and carry out enhanced due diligence when you need to.

Risk assess each client separately, using AMLCC’s client risk assessment tool.
Perform the right level of client due diligence on each party involved.
Connect the separate client profiles to one transaction, to give you the full picture of the transaction.
Produce a risk report for your supervisor or law enforcement with varying levels of detail, should you ever be asked to prove your compliance work on the transaction.

Connect clients for any reason you want to.

Give all employees sight of which clients are connected together.
See links with every AMLCC client details page displaying their connections.
Designate the group a relevant name and add any details.
Create a clear table showing all clients involved and their role in the grouping.
Easily detail a corporate structure, connect clients for tax purposes or link all members of a family – any connection is possible.
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Internal SAR portal icon

Internal SAR Portal

Live dashboard icon

Live Dashboard

Business Risk Assessment icon

Business Risk Assessments

Document Management icon

Document Management

Id Verification

ID Verification

Id Verification

PEP and Sanctions Checks

Supervisor-ready Reports icon

Supervisor-ready Reports

Reusable Client Profiles icon

Reusable Client Profiles

Client Risk Assessments icon

Client Risk Assessments

AML Policy

AML Policy

Internal SAR portal icon

Part Subscription