Supervisor-ready Reports
Everything they need to see. In one place.
You never know when you’ll have a full inspection, be asked to prove a certain element of your AML compliance in a ‘spot check’ or even have a knock on the door from law enforcement. Make sure you’re ready by using AMLCC to complete all your AML work – all online, all in one place.
Show your supervisor or law enforcement all the necessary information and documents to demonstrate you’re complying with your AML obligations. Including:
AML policies, controls and procedures (PCPs) reporting
Show your completely customised PCPs, including your business services and all key business information.
Easily keep up to date with all your business’ AML obligations and be supervisor-ready at all times. AMLCC can produce all the necessary reports in seconds to give your supervisor a complete picture of your AML work, removing the stress of an inspection.
Business risk assessments reporting
Generate a summary of the status of all risks, the overall business-wide risk and the proliferation financing risk status, available online or as a PDF.
Client and transaction risk assessments report
Produce an online or PDF report summarising the status of all risks, the overall risk of the client and the proliferation financing risk status.