Risk management
Spot risks and deal with them instantly
Understand your business’ money laundering risk.
Every action you and your team take feeds into the live risk dashboard, giving you a clear picture of your business’ AML profile. See clearly where the risk’s coming from and get step-by-step guidance to mitigate it.
Live risk dashboard
View the results of every risk assessment completed by every employee in one, central place so that you can assess the impact on your business.
Take immediate action to improve your risk profile or mitigate the risks directly from the dashboard. Access information about training records and your business’ AML documents to keep them all in date and avoid the risk of failing your supervisor’s visit.
Risk assessments for your business, services and clients
Meet every legal obligation when you complete the AMLCC risk assessments. Save time with a simple question and answer format. Follow mitigation suggestions to lower the risk to your business.
Separate assessments for each service you offer gives you additional peace of mind that every risk is taken into account.
AML training
Reduce risk to your firm with in-built training videos for every employee and senior manager. Understand where the risks come from and how to mitigate them. Prove your knowledge with CPD certificates.
AMLCC’s interconnected tools solve all your AML challenges